Thursday, July 16, 2009

Castle Otočec

Katja, my coworker, took me around to show me a bit about what Novo mesto is about. First, we visited Castle Otočec (pronounced otoshets). It's a castle turned into a five star hotel. As you can see below, the castle is surrounded by the Kirka River. It was really beautiful and relaxing. 



While crossing the bridge, we spotted an adorable swan family.


You can't tell from the photo (below), but there was big group of swans at the far end of the river. It sorta reminded me of swan scene from The Notebook. 

After walking around along the path by the river, we decided to take a look inside the hotel. The hotel was going through some renovations in the garden to set up an outdoor bar. So, we quickly took a look around and left for our next destination~ 


-Linda :)