Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Katja's family vineyard

I accidentally pressed some button halfway through writing this post and everything got deleted. This happened during my last post... SO ANNOYING. It's more aggravating to know that I have no idea what button I pressed. Anyway, I'm going to take a deep breath and start over. Need to establish the habbit of pressing the damn "Save Now" button. 

Anyway. Katja and I stopped by the Šmarješke Spa (famous spa resort in Novo mesto) just before arriving at Katja's family vineyard. We walked around the garden surrounding the spa and had ice cream and drinks at a nearby cafe. There was a small pond that was filled with Indian lotuses. Such pretty flowers!


After our quick rest at the spa, we headed on over to the vineyard. Apparently, most families own vineyards/weekend homes. Wish my family had a vineyard we could escape to during the weekends. I didn't actually get to go down to the vineyard, but had a good look at it from the balcony.  


Below is a picture of a mini wooden train that they use to easily ambulate through the vineyard. I guess it's not visible from the photo, but the green rail stretches all the way to the bottom. It looked like a small roller coaster ride. 

Katja's family's weekend home was a charming place, built on a hill overlooking their vineyard (Sadly, I forgot to take pictures of the actual house...). The view from the balcony was incredibly picturesque. I could see all the neighboring vineyards and all the nearby towns. You could also see the grand, mountain-like hill that served as a border between Slovenia and Croatia.  


Cviček (shown in photo) is a very famous wine produced in the Lower Carniola region of Slovenia (and Novo mesto is one of the towns in that region). 



Lastly, we visted the town's church. Each town (with exceptions of very small towns) has its own church. The church had already closed for the day, so I didn't get to take a look inside. So, we just sat down and took in the amazing view.

All in all, it was a great day. Hvala, Katja, for a wonderful day!

Adijo (bye), Linda


  1. cool!! it's pretty cool that many family owns a vineyard.

  2. It was so beautifull day, for me to :)
    By Katja
