Saturday, May 30, 2009

PreDeparture Anxieties

Our friend Linda, just left for slovenia on Thursday May 28, 2009. Her departure has made me nervous as my departure is just around the corner. I still have soo many things to take care off and I have no idea what it will be like over there. I have yet to start packing. Now that it is official, I feel the clock running down. I feel like I need to spend time with everyone before I leave. Time is soo limited. I am getting sad about leaving, scared and excited about going. I think it is normal. .. rite.

The thought of leaving has made me miss everything. I am going to miss my parents. always taking care of everything for me. My dad always being more nervous than me, in charge of all my documents. Even my mom's nagging. My dog, my cats. My friends of course. They will be fine without me, but will I be fine without them. Will they remember me. will things be the same when I come back. It is all in the air. Just made me appreciate the little things more.

I guess will see. I am sure things will be fine.

My motto: life is an adventure, for you to unravel, layer by layer

Jenny :)

1 comment:

  1. dont worrry! you will be fine! hehe
    i miss you so much~ and it kills me to think that we wont be able to see each other for soooo long

    i love your moto because it is so true
