Saturday, May 30, 2009

Looking for Change...

I'm not sure if I talked you guys about this yet or not, but I have been feeling pretty lonely up here lately. I don't feel like I have made any lasting friendships, just people that will come and go in my life. The friends I have up here are fun to party with, but I'm getting sick of that. I want something more, something meaningful - like my friendship with you guys. (I know that was super cheesy, but it's true!!) At the end of the day, I just end up feeling empty.

However, I'm really excited to leave for Australia! I don't know what to expect, and this frightens and excites me at the same time. I'm really just looking for a change. Everyone I know who has studied abroad has told that this is the most amazing experience they have ever had, and that you come back with a different view of life, a different perspective. Maybe when I come back to Davis, I will have a new perspective and be able to find a solution to my friend problems.

I don't really have much else to say now. I will probably have more to say when my departure date (August 13) gets closer.

Linda, how are things in Slovenia? Post pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. Elaine~
    im so sad that youve been feeling that way
    youve told me several times in the past, but i didnt know you were still feeling that way...

    but im so glad that you think of our friendship that way because i feel the same way. i miss you so muchhh

    my friend from cornell went to australia last semester and came back recently, and he said the exact same thing about his experience. he said that he came back with a new perspective on his life and it was an amazing experience. i cant wait till we all feel that way!
