Thursday, June 4, 2009

Safe and sound in Novo Mesto!

I have safely arrived in Novo Mesto! It was a very, very long flight. i think it took around 15 hours... plus minus a few hours... whew! glad that is over

It is now my 7th day in Novo Mesto.

Its beautiful here. There is a river (Krka River) that flows through the city, and the water is emerald green (I shall put up a photo later). And the people here are all very nice. the main sqaure looks like a large film set. really cozy and pretty. the streets are really clean and very safe.

Yesterday, one of my supervisors asked to take a photo of me on a swing in the hostel's garden; it was for a local newspaper that will be publishing a story about the hostel. Hopefully they will use the photo of me, so that I can appear in the newspaper! if they do use it, i will be sure to put it up
(check out the hostel: Hostel Situla (

My voltage converter broke today... all the stores are closed for the day, so i have to wait till tomorrow.... soooo frustrating.... my laptop ran out of battery right when the converter broke! just my freaking luck!
im using the computer at the hostel's cyber cafe, and the keyboard is different so i keep making mistakes and having to go back to correct them...

ive learn some slovenian words!
hvala means thank you
dober dan (dan for short) means good day

more updates to come very soon



  1. tats cool. yea, ur hostel looks cool. It doesn't look like a hostel. Loooks like a hotel.

  2. Sounds so pretty! I hope you are having a good time
